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'The Generation Game' Project


For Heritage Week which takes place this year from 14th to 22nd August, Carlow County Library Service presents “The Generation Game Project. Join Bernie Walsh, Genealogist with Carlow County Library Service for an Intergenerational, fun project. We’re looking for children aged between 8 and 12, and an older family member (grandparent, aunt or uncle for example) to join together and participate in our Generation Game Project.

A short list of questions is provided for the child to ask their older relation, who in turn will give them as much information as possible about their childhood. Together, they compile their project based on this information, which can include a short family story, photos, illustrations and so on. We also ask that each child draws a picture or makes a collage to illustrate their favourite answer, for display in the library and on our Social Media pages.

During Heritage Week, Bernie will host an online session where each pair can talk about their stories and share their experience with the other participants. Certificates will be awarded, the project will be promoted on the #NationalHeritageWeek website and be considered for the National Heritage Week Awards 2021.

If you are interested in taking part, email for more details or go to Carlow County Library Facebook Page.

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